Die Come-join-me Tour (2001/02)


Mit dem Tandem und der kompletten Outdoor-Ausrüstung doppelt 180 Tage in Südamerika unterwegs… Ein fester Pilot und eine verrückte Idee: den zweiten Sattel mit Fremden zu besetzen. Ein zu 75% erfolgreiches Interaktions-Abenteuer in Bolivien, Peru, Chile und Argentinien.

Die Mutter meiner partizipativen Tandem-Projekte.


Der größte Salzsee der Erde Salar de Uyuni, mehrmaliges Queren der Anden-Kordillere, über 1000 Jahre alte Pflanzen, viele Nationalparke, u.A. Torres del Paine werden gezeigt.
Erleben Sie mein erstes Tandem-Kommunikations-Abenteuer in Wort, Bild und Musik.

Wie bei allen hier vorgestellten Touren:
Finden Sie auf der www.globetreter.de we-sen-tlich Information.

Come-join-me Tour (2001/02)


Roaming throughout South America 180 days looking again and again for new copilots to join. That was not an act of desperation but my first participative tandem tour concept: interacting with locals and tourist. I had with me anything necessary for the hard outdoor everyday of Bolivia (-15° C at night), Chile and Argentine. Eight unknown people joined during three and 14 days – 75% successful attempt.

The mother of the following tandem-bike projects.

With the most crazy guy that accompanied, Kyle Pounds, I am still in contact with. Some two more as well but to the rest not. That is not important to me. I do not realize these projects in order to amplify my circle of friends but rather to offer and receive something at the same time. Altru- and egoistic at the same time. A good base to share temporarily the same tend. I learned to speak fluently Spanish by the two just out of sec. school lads and I provided the technical environment and experience to take part of an bicycle adventure.

Concerning  all bicycle related projects presented on this site:
There´s  w-a-y more information on my www.globetreter.de.