Im Januar 2007 bin ich an die Weser entlang gewandert. Bei meiner Serie „In der Natur“ geht es nicht darum, die Weser als solche zu beschreiben, sondern darum, die melancholische Stimmung einzufangen, die ich empfand. Die Anordnung in Diptiques scheint mir ideal, um das oben Geschriebene in Form von Menschen- und den dazugehörigen Naturportraits darzustellen. Alle dargestellten Menschen such(t)en diese Stellen auf, um zur Ruhe zu kommen, um zu sich zu kommen. |
In January 2007 I marched up the longest inner-German river Weser from its origin untill it´s end. It was thought as a self-healing trip in nature and at the same time an attempt to figure out a potential topic to be used in my main studies at the University of Arts Bremen. After the first stage it came up that I automatically met people who also purposefully used nature as a place to contemplate. To calm down or feel themselves. To relativate their problems facing a big and strong river or seeing trees and deers. I liked the melancholic atmosphere and decided to combine the portraied with landscapes (not necessarly that ones they were actually walking through) to highlight their dependency from nature. Unfortunately I cannot say „our dependency“ because there are just too many people who have never got or already lost a connection to nature. |